Bernadette van de Rijt

Ever since I joined UU over thirty years ago, I have experienced just about every aspect of working at a university myself. I received my PhD, worked as a lecturer and have been a member of the MT as a (teaching) UHD for some 15 years now. I am coordinator of the bachelor Pedagogical Sciences, responsible for the tasks within our program and manager of the temporary staff.

I also have some experience in the University Council. This spring I joined the council, in a seat that became vacant due to the departure of one of the council members to a position at another university.

Temporary staff, workload

From experience as a manager of temporary staff, I advocate on the university council to make sure temporary staff are well cared for. They must be given the opportunity to professionalize and be given a job load that is doable in the time available.

But workload is not only a temporary staff problem. Whenever we are able, we from the University Council must keep the workload of both academic and support staff on the agenda, and monitor which measures relieve or increase that pressure.


Furthermore, I have a warm heart for education in general and I am still convinced that education and teachers should be given more appreciation. 

Dialogue and cooperation

I think we can achieve even more: more equality among all levels of UU, more cooperation and more attention to each other and more equal dialogue. This is what I would like to fight for from VLAM in the University Council.

Don’t let your voice go to waste!